Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

All About Palembang

Lambang Kota Palembang.

Palembang City is one of the major cities in Indonesia as well as the capital of South Sumatra Province. Palembang is the second largest city in Sumatra after Medan. The city first had been the center of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya before and then move to Jambi. Bukit Siguntang, in Palembang West, until now sacred by still many people and is considered a former central chastity in the past.

Kawasan Jembatan Ampera

Palembang is a city in Indonesia, this is based on the Kedukan Bukit inscription found in the Bukit Siguntang, the western city of Palembang, which states that the establishment of a wanua as the city is the capital of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya on June 17, 683 BC. Then date of birth as standard hours of Palembang.

Palembang city have titled by the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as the 'City of Water Tour' on September 27, 2005.

Geographic Location

The gografis, Palembang is located on the 2 ° 59'27 .99 "LS 104 ° 45'24 .24" BT.Luas Palembang City area is 400.61 km ² or 40,061 ha with an average height of 8 meters from the sea surface. Palembang City location is strategic as it passed by way of Cross-Island route connecting between the Sumatra region on the island of Sumatra. In addition, there are Palembang City Musi River - Bridge over by Ampera - which functions as a means of transportation and trade between the region and is the City Water and consists of 16 districts and 107 villages.

Climate And Topography

Palembang is the climate of the tropical climate with humid air nisbih, wind speeds ranged from 2.3 km / h - 4.5 km / hour. City temperature ranged between 23.4 - 31.7 degrees celsius. Each year rainfall ranges between 2,000 mm - 3,000 mm. The humidity ranged between 75 - 89% with the average - the average 45% solar radiation. Topography of land is relatively flat and low. Only a small area of the city where the land is located on a quite high on the north part of town. Most of the land is swampy areas so that at the time of the rainy season the area logged. Average altitude of 0 - 20 mdpl.


Palembang is a resident branch of the Malay community, and using the Malay language has been tailored to the local dialect which is now known as English language Palembang as day-to-day, but the migrants often use the language as a regional language daily, such as language Komering, Rawas, Lahat, etc.. Immigrants from outside the South Sumatra also sometimes use the language as a regional language daily in the family or community in regional, such as migrants from Java and other areas in Indonesia.

Kota Palembang

Tourism Objects

1. Musi River
2. Ampera Bridge
3. Masjid Agung Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang
4. Fort Kuto Besak
5. Kantor tap, now Mayor Office Building
6. Kambang Iwak Family Park
7. Forest Tourism punti Wood
8. Parks ancient kingdom of Sriwijaya
9. Taman Bukit Siguntang ancient
10. People's Struggle Monument
11. Museum Balaputradewa
12. Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II
13. Crater Tengkurep
14. Masjid Cheng Ho Sriwijaya
15. Village captain
16. Arab village
17. Fantasy Island
18. Good Yellow
19. Crafts Center songkets
20. Island Kemaro
21. Close Pertamina Oil
22. Fertilizer factory PUSRI
23. River Gerong

Art And Culture

Art that located in Palembang, among others:

* Art dul flown (stage drama traditional Palembang)
* Dance dance-like gending Sriwijaya held as a welcome to the guests, dance and Tanggai a wedding reception in showed
* Regional Songs such as deck Sangke, choke ilang Mak, Dirut, and Ribang Kemambang
* Rumah Adat Palembang is Rumah Rumah Limas and raft.

Foods And Beverages

  • Pempek
  • Tekwan
  • Model
  • Laksan
  • Celimpungan
  • Mie Celor
  • Burgo
  • Pindang Patin
  • Pindang Tulang
  • Malbi
  • Tempoyak
  • Otak - otak
  • Kemplang
  • Kerupuk
  • Kue Maksubah
  • Kue Delapan Jam
  • Kue Srikayo dsb

Shopping Centers

* Palembang Indah Mall (PIM)
* Palembang Trade Center
* Palembang Square
* International Plaza
* JM Plaza
* Macro
* Market 16 Ilir
* Shopping Centers Ramayana
* Shopping Centers Sumatra
* Shopping Centers Megahria
* Ilir Barat Permai (songkets, Lemari Palembang, Palembang Pelaminan, Palembang carvings)
* Traditional Market as Kuto Market, Market Plaju, 26 Ilir Market, Market Gubah, etc..


Palembang residents recognize some stretch of the city transportation, among others :

* Ampera-Pakjo
* Ampera-Sekip
* Ampera-Lemabang
* Ampera-Perumnas
* Ampera-Buntung Appliances
* Ampera-Bukit Besar
* Ampera 5-KM
* Ampera-Kertapati
* Ampera-Plaju
* Ampera Up-Market
* River Lemabang-LAIS
* Market Kuto-Sea Kenten

Car and bus transportation in the city of Palembang :
* Market-Perumnas Kuto
* Sayangan-Lemabang
* PUSRI-Simpang Sekip
* Musi II - Polda

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